The Strategy behind Poker

Escapism comes, naturally, to us or more specifically, to poker players. The thing about poker is that, it involves a detailed and complex strategy. But, most poker players ignore the details, and try, to find an easy way out. They would, probably, turn to poker, in T.V games, documentaries, or articles, penned on the rules […]

What are Effective Stack Sizes?

Whenever you see somebody talk about a poker hand on forums, you might see them mention the term “effective stack sizes.” Like most poker lingo, this phrase isn’t immediately clear when you first see it. But the basic definition of effective stack sizes is pretty easy to explain since it’s just the smaller stack in […]

The NASH Equilibrium

A friend asked me the other day what you do when you’re pitted heads-up against a maniac whose main move is to go all-in. This is definitely an intimidating concept too because your opponent is putting you up to a difficult decision every time. Fortunately, you can make these decisions a lot less difficult by […]

Learning Poker Strategy – It’s in the Details

One of the biggest flaws people have with poker is that they don’t know how to properly learn poker strategy. For instance, they go out and read generalized poker articles that are written by somebody that plays $1/$2 No-Limit Hold’em, or they watch high stakes poker TV shows and try to apply some of what […]

Don’t become a TAG Fish

Most poker players like to go with a tight-aggressive strategy because it doesn’t invite you to get trapped as much, and you can stick to a better range of cards. But just because you’re TAG doesn’t mean you’re a good player. In fact, there are plenty of TAG fish out there, which is why you […]

Folding Pocket Queens

I was reading a poker forum earlier today, and I saw where a guy on there was wondering where he went wrong playing his pocket queens; he ended up calling a guy who went all-in on a flop of 3-4-6 with pocket kings after limping in/calling pre-flop. All of this motivated me to make a […]

When you can Limp In

If there’s one move that shows weakness and invites raises from around the table, it’s limping in. By limping in, you are telling others at the table that your hand isn’t worthy of raising, and it’s nothing more than a weak drawing hand. So should you throw limping in out of your arsenal of poker […]

Sometimes an Online Poker Image isn’t Important

The ideal poker image you want to carry is that of an unpredictable player who could either be raising with the nuts or just a second rate hand. This keeps opponents constantly guessing, and you can either value bet or semi-bluff them when opportunities arise. Of course, you aren’t just assigned a poker image; it […]

Should You Ever go after Good Players?

Commonsense tells us that going after poker players worse than you will yield profits over the long run. After all, these players suck and you want to get their money before anybody else does. However, there’s a different school of thought on the subject that you might not know and it involves attacking good players. […]

Using Expected Value for Post-play Improvement

Many poker players know that expected value looks at how much we expect to gain or lose by making a certain poker play over the long run. For instance, if you make a $10 call in a $60 pot (6:1 pot odds) with a flush draw (3:1 odds of hitting the hand), you are getting […]